June 12, 2016 Worship Guide

Getting Obedience Right - John 14:15-31

Understanding that our love for God is what fuels our obedience.

Vacation Bible School 2016

June 20-24 from 9-noon. Kids entering Kindergarten-6th grade. We can't do VBS without You! Volunteer or to register your child today online, in the church office or foyer.

Kids Worship Today

During morning worship in A201. For kids entering 1st - 4th grade. Register your kids before the start of today's service at one of the two specified locations inside the auditorium. Families will begin the service together and then kids will exit when indicated. After the service, you will pick your kids up from room A201.

Firehouse Student Ministry

Wednesdays from 6-8pm for Jr and Sr High. Firehouse will be combined for the summer. 

APC's Baby Bottle Campaign

Baby Bottle Campaign ends on Father's Day. Please return the bottles to a designated collection point in the Atrium and church foyer. Proceeds support the Alternative Pregnancy Center's ultrasound expenses.


Online tool to connect you with your church family. Find groups. See upcoming events. Participate in discussions. Meet others needs. Find volunteer positions. Login to update your profile or upload a picture. The link is on our website.

Wednesday Night Dinner

Dinners will return in August.


Money goes towards their mission trips. Call Lynn at x552 to arrange it or for more information.

SOAP Scripture: Isaiah 41:1-10