Led by: Josie Bailey
FBCMI - Mondays from 6:45pm to 8:15pm
Ongoing Sept - May (Starting Sept 9)
For Ladies 18 years and older
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an in-depth, interdenominational Bible class for people of all ages and backgrounds. This year we are studying the book of John.
Whether you're a beginner or more advanced Bible student, you'll find there's a place for you in BSF! Each week we meet in-person for small group discussion around what we have read, along with comprehensive lesson notes on the passages that week. You are encouraged to register online at prior to the start but are welcome to join anytime. Also visit the website for more information for our School Program (1st - 12th grades) which will meet online at 6:30pm, following the same schedule of Sept 9 - early May.