Is God calling you? We are excited to announce several short-term mission trips for 2024 and 2025! We have teams traveling to Cambodia, Mongolia, Nicaragua, and Malawi. If you are interested, please fill out a formHERE.
What about long-term? We believe that God will continue to send out career missionaries from our local body to the nations. We are committed to partnering with those he calls with prayer, encouragement, finances and ongoing care on and off the mission field.
Our mission stewardship approach represents a true 10% of all general budget giving. To establish a unified approach, any general mission designated funds will offset the 10% amount of transfer. In other words, when you give to the general budget, you are giving to missions. We contribute to the Southern Baptist's unified and comprehensive plan of giving to statewide, national, and international mission work.
Please click HERE to find out more about our Missions Budget.
We are so thankful for gospel partnerships in our neighborhood and around the world. Will you please pray for the specific prayer needs of our Local and Global Mission Partners (October 2023)?
Local Mission Partners
Agape Women's Center:Agape continues to grow and have tremendous outreach beyond our doors. We are seeing women choose life and families follow Jesus. God is on the move! Please continue to pray for open doors in our community to point vulnerable women to Jesus. Pray for more volunteers to help support our ministries. Pray for our staff and volunteers that they would not grow weary.
Canaveral Port Ministry: God is at work since the ministry was started 26 years ago and we project to have over 80,000 seafarer visits this year. Please pray that we will be able to follow up with where it's needed, and that we would be bold to share the gospel. Pray for more volunteers. There is a possibility that we can acquire some land behind the ministry. This would be a great opportunity to expand our building. Pray for us to have wisdom and finances.
House of Hope: Praising God for His continued blessings on House of Hope. Please pray for the health of our volunteers and clients. Also, pray for God’s continued supply for the ministry needs.
Merritt Island Christian School: Within just this first quarter of this school year, we have seen 18 students come to faith in Jesus! We remain so thankful for your continued prayers and generosity, so that we are able to lead students to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, inspire them to academic excellence, and equip them to impact their community through the biblical principles of character, leadership, and service.
Global Mission Partners
Cambodia - Shannon & Vikki Bobb: God is moving in the hearts of the people in Cambodia. Since September last year, we have baptized 47 new believers! Praise God! Please pray for these new believers to grow in their faith. Pray for health, safety and strength for us and our national staff. Pray for our adult children in the US.
Guatemala - Firehouse & MICS: Pray for us as we partner together to bring the Gospel to the Kekchi tribes in the jungles of Guatemala. Pray for us as the Agape Women’s Center also joins us to provide women’s clinics and ultrasounds in the villages we will be visiting. Pray for our team of students as they provide a VBS, offer women’s ministry projects and install water filters in local huts.
Malawi - Hodge Family: Please pray for the Family Medicine training program as it is expanding. We need wisdom to know how to change and transition as God is providing more faculty along with more residents. Please pray for Veritas Bible training as we train more pastors and church members. Malawi continues to struggle with little gas (petrol) and severe inflation and instability from lack of foreign exchange, which is affecting every person's day-to-day life and ability to travel to work and get supplies.
Mongolia, Nicaragua, Ukraine & South Africa - WEGO: (Mongolia) for a smooth process as we work to build a new house for New Hope Children’s Home in Spring of 2024 and for wisdom as we walk with two children towards reconciliation with their father. (Nicaragua) Pray for divine intervention and discernment as we attempt to remain operational in the face of many challenges (Ukraine) Pray for the continued safety and ministry vision for our local missionary, Sergei. (South Africa) Praise God with us for the launching of a new children’s home in South Africa!