November 17, 2019 - Worship Guide

First Initiative:  Giving - II Corinthians 8 & 9

When God’s people are living in and responding to God’s grace, JoyFULL generosity motivates and saturates every gift given. 

The First Initiative: Serving, Sharing & Giving

As we have entered the third and final year of the First Initiative, thank you for spending these last couple of weeks with us taking a deeper look into the purpose and calling behind it. As followers of christ, we have been called out to be servants who humbly serve. The story of Jesus and all He has done for us should be on display in all we do and say as we share the good news. We want to be known as generous givers who freely give according to the purposes of God. The First Initiative isn't simply about updating a campus, but reminding the people of FBCMI, that WE have been made new in Jesus Christ and we are on mission together to live according to His calling.

70th Anniversary

This year, FBCMI is celebrating its 70th anniversary and we will be celebrating it on Sunday morning, November 24.
During the 9:30 and 11am services, come hear our former pastor, Dr. Larry Thompson, as he speaks to us from the Word. We will also have some memories on display throughout the years with thankfulness at all that God has done in and through FBCMI.

Stewardship Update

As we reach the 6 month mark for our 2019-2020 budget year and the completion of the second year of the First Initiative, its important for us to reflect on this year's stewardship plan.
Please pick up a stewardship update guide at the info table in the Atrium after the service.

A Season of Meeting Needs

Bags available in the Atrium. Pick one up if you haven't yet! Fill the bag and box per the instructions included and return them next week.


Info Tent
-Come by the outdoor info tent before or after the service where there are people ready to help you feel at home. You will also receive a small gift with useful information about FBCMI.
-Please enjoy prime parking located east of the gym. 

Firehouse BBQ Lunch

Today, after the second service, support student mission trips by treating your family to BBQ for lunch! $10 for adults with choice of two meats, sides and a drink. Kids meals (hot dogs, chips and drink) are also available for $3.