Sunday Connect Classes meet at 9:00AM

Campus Map


Young Adults (18-40 years)

Led by Curan & Kristen Clonch and Austin & Maggie Schollmeyer
Leads men and women to Experience the Word together in biblical community by identifying belief statements, application questions and prayer.

YOUNG FAMILIES  -  Agape Women's Center (Bldg G) Room 1
Led by Rob & Patty Holloway, Ben & Emma Crisafulli, Seth & Emily Phippen and Chris & Brittney Bowman
Leads men and women to Experience the Word together in biblical community by identifying belief statements, application questions and prayer.

AT HIS TABLE  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Room 112
Led by a Team of Committed Leaders
Leads Men and Women with Intellectual Disabilities to pray and study God's word together and give them a place of belonging and growth. Faithfully teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that are age-appropriate and ability-appropriate without altering the Gospel message.


Median Adults 1 (35-50 years)

AMASON & SHIRLEY CLASS  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Room 207
Led by John Amason & Phil Shirley
Leads men and women to Experience the Word together in biblical community by identifying belief statements, application questions and prayer.

MARK BONTRAGER CLASS  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Room 111
Led by Mark Bontrager
This group engages men and women in the discussion and application of God’s Word. Class content will correspond to what Pastor Titus covers in worship

FAMILY MATTERS  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Room 202
Led by Clark Simms
Interactive, relational, application-driven class connecting the Bible to every area of family life.

LADIES ONLY CLASS FOR ALL AGES  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 130
Led by Emily Green
Ladies uniting in the love of Christ. This group engages ladies of all ages in the discussion and application of God’s Word. Class content will correspond to what Pastor Titus covers in worship


Median Adults 2 (50-65 years)

PAIRS AND SPARES  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Room 118
Led by Tim Cottrell
In-depth Bible study teaching for people hungry to learn more about God’s word.

LADIES ONLY  -  The Grove (Bldg D) Room 3
Led by Angie Kolsch
We are from all walks of life, enjoying Christian community based upon our mutual love for the Lord in an atmosphere of grace and support. 

EXPERIENCE THE WORD  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Room 206
Led by Carey & Amy Dean
Leads men and women to Experience the Word together in biblical community by identifying belief statements, application questions and prayer.

READ THROUGH THE BIBLE  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 201
Led by David Ivey & Richard Willing
A diverse class for all ages who have a passion to read and understand the entirety of God’s Word. Each Sunday’s lesson covers the various wisdom nuggets the Bible exposes from the assigned reading for that week. Come and enjoy the joy of reading God’s Word.

TRUTH SEEKERS  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 204
Led by Jim Thornton & Blane LaRue
We are a dynamic group of faith-based Bible believers, learning to love God while we love each other through study, service, and fellowship. We study the Bible by an in-depth reading through the individual books of the Bible, concentrating on discussion of God's meaning and the application to our daily lives. 

SHARPENERS (Proverbs 27:17)  -  The Grove (Bldg D) Room 2
Led by Alan Bell
Interactive class studying God’s Word with emphasis on application, accountability & fellowship.

SOJOURNERS  -  The Grove (Bldg D) Room 4
Led by Tom Ference and Bruce Colkitt
Mixed class studying the book of Acts. 


Senior Adults (65 + years)

SONSHINE LADIES CLASS  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 135
Led by Mary Jo Sloan
Ladies 65+ ministering inside & outside our class.

LYDIA LADIES CLASS  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 134
Led by Jolene Portegys and Carolyn Tudor
Growing through prayer, teaching & serving.

ENCOURAGERS  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 133
Led by Elly Weber
Verse-by-verse study of Scripture for insight and application.

Led by Warren McBee
Men and women uniting in the love of Christ.

EARLY RISERS  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Magnolia Room 115
Led by Bob Rowell
Mixed class of senior adults with in-depth teaching. Frequent social activities.

GROWING PAINS  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Island Room 120
Led by Eric Harms
Keeping the spark alive by studying God’s Word.

LEE & ROBIN SEVERANCE CLASS  -  Atrium (Bldg C) Florida Room 104
Led by Lee & Robin Severance
This study is open to all men and women with the purpose of making God’s Word personal. We use the Lifeway series as a jumping off point and then use facilitated discussions to make the Word pertinent to each person’s life.

FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 203
Led by Stephen Mitchell
We are open to all men and women with the purpose of unveiling God’s unchanging truth for these changing times, one verse at a time. Using the Lifeway Explore the Bible series as a starting point, we facilitate discussions to help the believing person think and the thinking person believe.

Led by Bobby Trull & Steve Young
Discipleship class for individuals involved in the House of Hope Ministry.

Led by Elaine Miller
This ladies only Sunday School class is for women at the House of Hope but is open to all women. 


Spanish Class

HENRY NEVARES' CLASS  -  Worship Center (Bldg A) Room 202
Led by Henry Nevares
This class is ideal for Spanish speaking men and women. We invite you to join us in learning God's word together in a small group environment.