Agape Women's Center 

The purpose of the Agape Women’s Center (AWC) is to demonstrate the love of Christ by being an active promoter of Pro-Abundant Life. We show this love by offering physical, emotional, and spiritual support.

For more information, please visit Agape's website

Click HERE if you are interested in serving at the Agape Women's Center. 

Kids Central

We offer a kids program called Kids Central for babies through 6th grade every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. More than babysitting or childcare, Kids Central is the Church hard at work, passionately pursuing Jesus through the vision and direction of our church, helping kids become unified in community, growing in faith and learning how to multiply themselves in others.

For more information, please contact our Preschool Coordinator, Josie Bailey, or our Children & Family Pastor, Justin Rennert

Click HERE if you are interested in serving in Children’s Ministry. 

English as a Second Language 

Our ESL ministry offers free classes to help internationals learn English while learning about Jesus. Classes are every Wednesday in the Grove building from 6 - 7:30 PM. We need volunteers who are willing to be conversation partners or tutors.

For more information, please email Darwyn Fletcher

Click HERE if you are interested in serving in the ESL Ministry. 

House of Hope

Our mission is to provide encouragement and the hope of Jesus Christ to all. From households to the homeless, we provide free food, clothing and resources to anyone in need. Help is needed between the hours of 5:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Mondays and 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Wednesdays. 

For more information, please visit the HOH website 

Click HERE if you are interested in serving at the House of Hope. 

Student Ministry

We offer a variety of classes, events, and opportunities for 7th – 12th graders at Firehouse Student Ministry. The purpose of our Firehouse Student Ministry is found in the truths described in I Samuel 3:

  1. Listening for God as He shares His dreams with us
  2. Obeying Him when He calls us to pursue those dreams
  3. Leading others by inviting them to come along as we obey the voice of the Lord together.

For more information, please contact our Student Pastor, Rob Jones

Click HERE if you are interested in serving in Student Ministry.

Tech Team

If you are interested in working with broadcast, screens, or lights, then the Tech Team is a great way for you to serve on a Sunday morning. 

For more information, please contact our Creative Arts Director, Patrick McGuire.

Click HERE if you are interested in serving on the Tech Team. 

Welcome Team

The Welcome Team provides many opportunities to help people feel welcomed and wanted as they attend our church each week. Individuals can serve in several different ways: Info Desk, Cafe, Greeters, Ushers, Section Hosts, or Traffic Management.

For more information, please contact our Discipleship Assistant, Darwyn Fletcher

Click HERE if you are interested in serving on the Welcome Team.